Current status

All systems operational

Past incidents

Infrastructure maintenance

We will bring most systems offline to speed up the rebuilding of the database indexes and perform some major tasks in the datacenter. will be offline during this time.
We are very sorry for this and hope for your understanding, thank you!

Rebuilding database indexes

We are running some heavy database tasks to rebuild all indexes and the Elastic search function, expect slow performance, intermittent downtime, and a few glitches.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Infrastructure maintenance

Some final touches.

Infrastructure maintenance

We are performing major maintenance on all infrastructure for, intermittent outages are to be expected.
We are hoping to complete all tasks that we didn't have time for 3 days ago.

Thank you for your understanding!

Upgrade to Mastodon 4.3.3

We are upgrading to the latest version of Mastodon, read more here: